This is style, not fashion

1 Posted by - November 18, 2013 - Menswear

The phrase “of Kensington” is magical. It elevates, inspires, and transports. Almost any name placed in front of this legendary location seems elegant and intriguing. And why shouldn’t it? With a palace, parks, and streets both narrow and broad, all of which lead some place interesting; Kensington or simply “Ken” is a joy to live in, and an adventure to shop in.

For a Person of Style, no trip to the area would be complete without a visit to Hornets of Kensington. Not one, or two, but three shops of vintage, gently used clothes, all wonderful. The Hornets shops are a labour of love. They’re done with a charming wink by William Hornets Wilde, or as he prefers to be known in the Old Clothes business: “Bill Hornets.” In another life, Hornets was an actor and voice-over artist. British residents of a certain vintage will recognize the commercial for the Bouillon and seasoning company Knorr. Bill’s dulcet tones exhorted the consumer to “Get more….with Knorr….”

Bill Hornets the stylemaster has a keen eye for good English cloth, with a dash of whimsy, and a well-thought-out philosophy for why he does what he does. You stand an excellent chance of getting that tie, hat, or suit jacket that you’ve been looking for. But if you are really lucky, Bill will be there and available to chat. While the clothes may last years, Bill Hornets’ words of wisdom will last a lifetime.

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